Welcome to Worship
Oh come, let us sing to the LORD;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
Psalm 95:1-2

Our liturgical worship is held in the sanctuary at 10:15 each Sunday morning. Though liturgical, it too offers a relaxed atmosphere. In addition to our music, we incorporate a number of creative elements in our Sanctuary Worship, such as occasional drama, interpretive dance, altar design, and other artistic forms. Children through 5th grade have the option of worshiping with their families or attending Kids-in-Action, a special worship opportunity for them. They will exit the sanctuary with our Children's Director Miss Crista and a volunteer and go to the Fellowship Hall after the Affirmation of Faith. On Communion Sundays, however, children remain in worship with their families. Just as with our Revive Worship, please wear what makes you authentically you!

Wesley offers a contemporary worship experience in the relaxed atmosphere of our Fellowship Hall each Sunday morning at 9:00. Both row seating and table seating are available. A coffee station is located to one side, so feel free to bring your favorite mug if you'd like. Families worship together, with a special children's area called The Nest available for children who need to be busy while worshiping. There, they can read, color, and quietly play while staying in worship. And, if they make a little noise? That's quite alright because that is the sound of life! What should you wear? We did say relaxed, so you be you and wear what makes you feel most authentically you! We don't want anyone to feel they need to go out and buy a certain type of clothing to worship with us.

We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion once a month at Wesley, typically on the first Sunday of the month. On occasion, it is celebrated as a part of a special seasonal service of worship, such as our Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion and our Holy Week Maundy Thursday Worship. The table is not our table but God's table, which means it is an open table. ALL who are worshiping with us when we celebrate this sacrament are invited to share in this Holy meal. You do not have to be a member of Wesley or even a regular worshiper with us. And, as our pastor says each time we gather at the table, you do not even have to be a believer. So, please, come. There is room at the table for you. Gluten free is offered for those who need it.
Both of our Sunday morning worship services are available online at the respective worship times on Facebook Live. If you are unable to worship at the time they air live, all worship services remain available on Facebook and can be accessed at a later time.